China MiƩville

On 14th-15th September 2012 Tony Venezia and I co-organised a 2-day academic conference dedicated to the writing of China Miéville, called "Weird Council: An International Conference on the Writing of China Miéville." The conference was...

Will Self Sep01

Will Self

I've been invited as a plenary speaker to the forthcoming conference "Will Self and the Art of the Contemporary," to be held at the University of Roehampton on Saturday 1st December 2012. See here for the call for papers. After an invigorating MA class on Will Self's The...

Feminist Fiction Apr15

Feminist Fiction

Building on my research into British novelists Jeanette Winterson, Marina Warner, Doris Lessing, Maggie Gee and Ali Smith, in the Autumn semester of 2012 I will be contributing to the team-taught MA module on the University of Lincoln's MA in 21st Century Literature, "Women Writing...

London Now Jan11

London Now

I am currently Module Convenor for the MA optional module "London Now" on the University of Lincoln's MA in 21st Century Literature. The module is team-taught, and introduces students to the many and varied ways in which contemporary writers and dramatists have constructed the...